DIA Accredited Designer Application Checklist The following documents and information will be required for completion of your application. Member ID which can be found in your DIA account Copy of highest level of a design qualification/s *White Card if you are an interior designer ABN of primary place of work CV outlining 3-5 years’ experience Portfolio of work as a designer for vocational pathway only Referee who will validate your information Professional Indemnity Insurance Certificate of Currency Read and Agree to Code of Conduct Request for Assessment Under which pathway would you prefer to be assessed for your design credentials? Please tick one of the options below. Your accreditation will be assessed under a points framework e.g. for a Degree AQF 7 qualification you will be allocated 7 points. Years of experience is also allocated in the same way e.g. 5 years experience is allocated 5 points. * For further details on eligibility criteria and how each application is assessed please refer to 'DIA Accredited Designer – Eligibility' Professional pathway - Degree AQF 7+ plus a minimum of 3 years experience. Agreeing to abide by DIA Code of Conduct and supplying evidence of Professional Indemnity Insurance cover is also required. Vocational pathway - Diploma / Advanced Diploma AQF 5+ plus a minimum of 5 years experience. In addition to agreeing to abide by the DIA Code of Code and supplying evidence of Professional Insurance Indemnity cover, additional evidence may be required. Section 1 - Applicant Details Name * First Name Last Name DIA Member ID * Please enter your DIA Member ID which can be found by logging in to your member account. For assistance contact admin@design.org.au Date of Birth * Please enter your date of birth MM DD YYYY Title Post Nominals Please add your post nominal/s e.g. FDIA, PhD Gender Identify as Female Identify as Male Don't wish to identify as a particular gender Email Phone * Country (###) ### #### Linkedin Section 2 - Entity Name of Entity * This could be your design practice if you are an owner or employee, your sole trading name if you freelance, the name of your business, corporation or brand / label or the name of your education institution if you teach etc. ACN or ABN * Department This may or may not be relevant. Please leave blank if not relevant. Entity Contact If not you, then please name one person as the primary contact for future correspondence regarding your Accredited Designer membership (e.g. for renewals, changes to your accreditation details and CPD lodgements). First Name Last Name Email of Entity Contact Mobile of Entity Contact Please enter phone number in international format e.g. +61 400 000 000 Country (###) ### #### Entity Address * Please note that this address will not be made public. Permission however to use your Post Code and State is sought in Section 6 - Directory "Find a DIA Accredited Designer' Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Entity Phone Country (###) ### #### Website * http:// Instagram Section 3 - Qualifications Qualification/s held by Applicant * Please list your highest design or design associated qualification PhD Masters Degree (Hons) Degree Associate Degree Advanced Diploma Diploma Other (stipulate) University, Institution or Provider Name * Institution type * University Institute TAFE Private Other Year of Completion / Graduation * *White Card - for Interior Designers and those working in construction only Do you have a 'White Card'? (a vocational unit CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry)? Please tick the box below and add a copy to additional qualifications below. Yes No Qualification/s held if Other Please add any other design or associated qualifications and short courses you may think will assist in your accreditation. This will help your application if you are pursuing accreditation through the vocational pathway. Section 4 - Experience Primary Design Discipline * Please select your Design Discipline from the list below: Design Education Design Management Digital Media Exhibition & Display Design, Fashion Design Furniture Design Graphic Design Industrial Design Product Design Interior Design Interior Decoration Jewellery Design Textile Design TV Film & Theatre Set Design Service Design Experience Design Other Professional experience (years) * I require my portfolio to be taken into consideration All applicants who are requesting assessment under the VOCATIONAL pathway may be required to supply a portfolio of 3 projects, which demonstrates an understanding of design thinking and process. I require my portfolio to be taken into consideration Professional referee name * Please nominate a design professional referee (preferably a DIA member) who can verify your credentials as supplied. They must be aware that you are submitting this application. Professional referee email Professional referee phone Country (###) ### #### Section 5 - Insurance Cover Professional Indemnity Insurance * Do you or does your employer have Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) cover? Yes, if yes please supply a copy. No Directory Find a DIA Accredited Designer * To enable DIA to promote your services as a design professional to potential clients and to the broader community we are introducing a 'Find a DIA Accredited Designer' on the DIA website. We will be utilising your name, post nominals, post code, website and social media from your DIA member portal to identify you properly on the map. Please tick the box below if you would like to participate in this new feature. If you agree, please also update your current DIA membership image on your portal (preferably a portrait) that you would like used. Yes No Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Earn 50 CPD points per annum DIA Accredited Designers are required to engage in ongoing professional development to maintain current knowledge and skills. CPD points are awarded for various activities, including but not limited to courses, conferences, workshops, and publications. These activities may be undertaken through the DIA or other recognised providers. I agree to participate in the DIA CPD program Code of Conduct I agree to the DIA Code of Conduct * Thank you for submitting your application! You will be emailed a copy of your application and contacted within 3 weeks to advise you of the outcome. We may require additional information. Please contact admin@design.org.au if you have any queries.