Professor John Redmond FDIA

Professor John Redmond is Foundation Dean of the Faculty of Art & Design, and holds a Chair in Industrial Design, at Monash University. Prior to taking up this position, he was the Foundation Head of the Department of Industrial Design at the University of New South Wales. He is a graduate of the Royal College of Art in London, and a Fellow of the Design Institute of Australia. He has had a wide involvement in industrial design consultancy through UNSW and Monash companies. Design work has been undertaken for Major Australian and international companies as well as research corporations. His research interests have ranged from equipment for the handicapped to a current work in the theory of form. It is this work that saw him appointed by the Attorney General as a Consultant to the Law Reform Commission’s Review of the Design Act.

John has been an active member of the Institute for many years and acted in the role of Federal Secretary, NSW State President and State Secretary. In recognition his Fellowship of the Institute was awarded in 1985.ter at design conferences and business seminars.

Richard Henderson is the recipient of many awards including the Apple Master Award in 2000 and the 2007 Monash University Distinguished Alumni Award.


Dr Tom Hewitt MDIA


Alma Maccallum LFDIA