Gerry Mussett FDIA

Gerry Mussett is a true leader of the Australian industrial design profession. Although ever youthful, to generations of designers Gerry has been lecturer, employer, teacher, mentor and friend. He also led through example and inspired his staff and clients to reach new heights through his passion and belief in design.

Gerry served on the DIA committee for many years and set the standard of how professionals can contribute to their industry through service. Some of the designers Gerry has worked with, and influenced many of Australia’s current pool of industrial designers, including; Phil Slattery, Mike English, Paul Taylor, Cheryl Fraser, Matthew Lewandowski and Steve Martinuzzo amongst many others. He also served as Victorian State President and was elected as Fellow of the Institute in recognition of his strong contribution to the profession at both a state and national level.


Richard Henderson MDIA


Dr Tom Hewitt MDIA