Vale Mark Robinson, Flack Studio
Suddenly, on the Thursday before Christmas Day we lost a much-admired friend, colleague and passionate design community member in Mark Robinson, Flack Studio which had a remarkably successful year in 2022 winning major awards for their projects.
Flack Studio holds respect for their approach to design and support of not just the design community but their local initiatives. Read Founder David Flack’s moving Instagram post below.
“Studio’s, Mark Anthony Robinson left our earth on Thursday 22nd December 2022. His legacy and spirit will remain forever.
Mark created opportunities for people to share our studio and be part of our world at Flack Studio. All of this will continue. He will be there in spirit.
I admired Mark’s passion for activism and his commitment to creating a legacy.
He was devoted to challenging the status quo and to giving back.
Since the studio’s beginning in early 2015 we created endlessly.
It didn’t matter what we were designing, to create with him, was a joy. He inspired and drove me. Our shared creativity was infinite.
Together with our beautiful team and collaborators, past and present we made spaces of permanence. Memories and stories were created. I will hold them tight. He will remain a part of each of the spaces we created.
Mark has touched so many lives.
He gave his heart to the Cubbies community in Fitzroy.
He was the driving force behind opening our studio library the last Saturday of every month for people to share our world and talk about books.
He supported the creation of our Rhonda Alexander Mentorship Program for people who could not get a foot in the door.
He hosted our Plinth Drinks featuring local artists and makers each month in our studio.
Mark was a fierce and devoted member of the Design Institute of Australia practice group, allowing conversation and inspiration for fellow members to think beyond design.
He shone the brightest light on the underdog.
I will honour him for years to come. His legacy will be a part of me and the studio forever.
He will live on brightly. The projects he helped create shall be an ode to him.
Details of public memorial on 12 January will be announced in the coming days.
Mark, may you rest in peace.
With all my love, I will miss you forever.”
David Flack
Our hearts go out to David and his team and Mark’s colleagues and the broader design community who have also been impacted by the sudden loss.
I first met Mark through his participation in the establishment of our Interior Design Practice Group set up in 2017. Flack Studio had joined the DIA two years before when they had established their practice. When I officially took on my role as CEO in 2017, Mark was one of the first DIA members to offer his support. Our members speak highly of his capability, his passion for advancing the profession, his sharp intellect and quick wit. Without doubt, he was an achiever.
Mark Robinson and David Flack
Below three colleagues from the DIA Interior Design Practice Groups (IDPG) pay tribute to Mark…
“Mark welcomed our group into his studio and hosted very generous and open sessions. His latest being ‘Acknowledgement of country’, sharing what we can do as businesses and designers to weave this into our studio and work. His passion for this topic was very evident, and I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say we left feeling very inspired and motivated into action.”
Beatrix Rowe, Director Beatrix Rowe Interiors and IDPG Co-Chair
“Mark was a very generous person. I would ring him for advice on projects and he always took my calls and gave me his time. In Feb 2022, he and David made a point of coming to my birthday party sandwiched in on a day where they had a speaking commitment at Decor and Design in Melbourne then a flight to Sydney... They drove all the way to Red Hill to celebrate with me in between their incredible schedule. He was very direct and always made me laugh. My memories of Mark are all about laughing.”
Carole Whiting, Director Carole Whiting Studio and IDPG Co-Founder
"Mark was an integral part of our industry, always speaking up on matters that concerned design and the people that interact with designers. Mark and I had a phone call almost every second week to talk about something, whether it be our studios, staff, builders, clients, or just what was happening on RuPauls drag race… Mark was always so generous with his time and information and I always had a huge list of things I needed to do when I got off our calls, I found them to always be truly inspiring. He had a real intuition for leadership and a mastermind at bringing people together, and almost everything he did was for the greater good. Mark was such an eloquent speaker, a trait I envied so much in him, and he could craft a conversation or debate with such conviction and ease and used these skills to rally people to fight for what they believed in. A clear memory that stands out for me was his call when COVID19 hit, he had called me to see how I was doing, how was business, and we talked about what was going to happen when the world ended. The last call I had from Mark says it all - it was him calling me to try and convince me to partake in a mentorship program that Mark & David were holding at Flack Studio for people who didn’t have access to design or design mentors in their life. A truly altruist undertaking, a truly altruistic man. I will miss him so much."
Adele Winteridge, Director Foolscap and part Co-Chair IDPG
On 12 Jan 2023, a memorial service was held for Mark at the Greenroom, 520 High Street Northcote which was also broadcast live. The standouts from the testimonials given at the service were what a great partner and friend he was, his ability to nurture with endless examples of how he did this and also his ability to tell it as it is. Full of talent and curiosity he also achieved remarkable success in his artistic endeavours in screen and film, one of which was screened at the service. He inspired so many and the sadness felt by his tragic loss will linger in our hearts. Rest in peace Mark.
Jo-Ann Kellock