Design Institute of Australia

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Changes to WH&S laws coming your way

Following agreement at a national level on new standards for employers about managing psychosocial risks in the workplace, legislation in NSW is the first to come into effect.

Workplaces are now required to take appropriate measures to manage risks to psychological and physical health. The legislation defines ‘psychosocial hazard’ and ‘psychosocial risk’ and specifies what kind of actions employers should take to meet the new standards. This means that businesses are required to eliminate psychosocial risks as far as reasonably practicable.

Head of SafeWork NSW, Natasha Mann said ‘Psychosocial risks and hazards can cause a stress response leading to psychological or physical harm. They can stem from the work itself in the way it is designed and managed, from hazardous working environments, equipment use and social factors in the workplace’.

Similar legislation will follow in other jurisdictions.

  • Media release from NSW Govt titled ‘NSW first in Australia to adopt model WHS laws’ can be read HERE

  • A good analysis by law firm Allens titled ‘From 1 Oct psychosocial risks must be managed like physical risks’ can be found HERE 

  • And from Maddocks their analysis ‘NSW introduces positive duty to manage risks of psychosocial hazards at work’ can be read HERE

Denise Ryan

DIA Senior Policy Adviser