DIA CPD Provider Network
Do you provide products and services to the design sector? Become part of the DIA CPD Provider Network to deliver quality learning outcomes in your premises of choice and / or online. DIA will support the learning with CPD points, promotion and make digital resources available in its online store.
To be eligible for the DIA CPD Provider Network you will need to
1. Register as a Design Entity with DIA to have your application evaluated i.e., an ABN, ACN, RTO and/or Education or Research Provider registration number must be provided. Evaluation of your learning activity will commence once registration is complete.
2. Employ Australians and be delivering and / or supplying to the Australian design sector.
3. Have available Australian or International experienced instructor/s (within your business or network) who can deliver relevant material and quality outcomes produced by you and / or by your stakeholders.
All learning activities must be submitted by the provider to DIA for approval prior to commencement. A wide range of content relating to the practice of design and at a variety of career stages, design disciplines and technology will be considered. In general terms, the following delivery criteria must be met
1. Measurable goals or outcomes that support learning for designers as outlined in the Australian Skills Classification Occupation Profiles for each design discipline
2. Learning component of activity (not including breaks, networking sessions etc) must be a minimum of one hour in length and be of sufficient technical depth and expertise.
3. Be eligible for CPD points as outlined in the Accredited Designer annual assessment process that promotes continued learning as a key element of professional design practice and leads to the status of Accredited Designer™
4. Be delivered in a suitable venue with seating and / or online with adequate presentation, internet and broadcasting equipment
5. If face to face learning, make provision for refreshments and / or catering as required depending on the length of the activity and the time of delivery
6. Limit company or product pitches or brochures to a minimum unless to reinforce learning outcomes
7. Make provision for assessment tasks or feedback if relevant to the learning activity
Based on type and quantity of learning activities 3 packages are offered
1. Full CPD Provider Network package $5,750 + GST
Annual recognition of learning activity which provides up to
• five learning modules per year delivered during unlimited sessions nationally.
Provider to be responsible for registration* and catering for activity.
*DIA can provide registration if required but activity will incur a ticketing fee for participants.
• one online learning resource stored on DIA Learning Resource platform for unlimited downloads by DIA members including educators and students.2. Multiple Activity CPD Provider Network package $2,750 + GST
Annual recognition to provide multiple learning modules delivered during a one or two day conference, trade show or design day / week.
Provider to be responsible for registration* and catering for activity.
*DIA can provide registration if required but activity will incur a ticketing fee for participants.3. Single Activity CPD Provider Network package $1,250 + GST
Annual recognition to provide a single training module delivered during one session only.
Provider to be responsible for registration and catering for activity.
*DIA can provide registration if required but activity will incur a ticketing fee for participants. -
DIA’s commitment to promote design as a profession and as a core contributor to the quality of business, society and our environment is supported through this program which offers the following marketing opportunities to providers,
1. DIA website listing and approval of CPD learning activities.
2. Approved activities are allocated CPD points and are also listed on the DIA website in upcoming events and promoted to DIA members via news channels.
3. Promotion via DIA social media channels e.g., LinkedIn which has over 21,000 followers
Application Form
CPD Guidelines
CPD Providers
Example – Studio or Showroom Workshop
Example – Online Learning Resource